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فهرست موضوعی یادداشت ها

88/12/2 :: 10:57 صبح

و شاید این از خوشبختی ما هست!

شاید این از خوشبختی ما هست که با نا آشنایان بی آنکه یکدیگر را بشناسیم دست آشنایی به همدیگه میدهیم و در فراز و نشیب زندگی یارو همدم همدیگر میشویم و سرانجام بی آنکه دست خوشبختی را به همدیگر هدیه دهیم به همدیگه کلام خداحافظ را میشنوانیم تا گوشهای مان برای فردای جدایی اماده گی این را داشته باشد که ما روزی بی چون و چرای از همدیگه فاصله میگیریم فاصله های که خالی خالی از ابهام نیست بلکه در میان از ابهام های نا اشنا گم میشویم و سپس از همدیگه بی انکه از دل های مان خبری داشته باشیم شکایت و کلایه داریم که چرا چنین هست؟ و چرا صدایم نمیزند، چرا مرا نمیخواند؟ اما این از خود نمیپرسیم که آیا کسی را داریم که درد ما را تحمل کند؟ آیا کسی را داریم اینکه حقیقت ها را بی کمی و کاستی بداند؟
و این زمان فاصله گرفتن همان زمانی هست که ما عاشق همدیگه میشویم و این عشق هست که ما را سر درگم این رسوایی ها میکند و در نتیجه ما مجبوریم که از همدیگه فاصله بگیریم و یا هم این فاصله ها از خودخواهی خودمان باشد که بی چون و چرایی از همدیگه توقعات بی جای زیاد داریم و میخواهیم که باید او بگوید که مرا میخواهد تا آنچه که من توقع دارم همان بشود نه آنکه این را نیز بدانیم و بیاندیشیم که که او هم مانند من قلب دارد که میخواهد من توقعات او را فراهم سازم، این است رسم خود خواهی ما که سر انجام به تباهی ما کشیده میشود و این را هم هرگز به خود نمیگویم که این از بدبختی ما هست که به اوج عشق رسیدن همدیگه را ترگ میگویم و در عوض این میگویم شاید این از خوشبختی ما هست که دست نا آشنایان را به گرمی میفشاریم و سرانجام با آشنا شدن از همدیگه فاصله میگیریم و شاید این خوشبختی ما هست که چنین رسم خودخواهی را در وجود مان به ارمغان داریم و رشدش میدهیم و به آن افتخار خود بودن را میدهیم.
و دیگر از فاصله های دور و جدایی های پی در پی آزار دهنده شکایت ندارم و از دروغ های دو روز آشنایان گیلایه ندارم و از فراز و نشیب زنده گی تو و من حرف به زبان برای گفتن ندارم و من از گلایه های زیاد خسته شدم و از خود پناه گاهی میسازم تا کسانی دیگر از این شکایت ها و گیلایه ها آزرده نشود و این خود برای هستی امید دهنده خواهد بود، من از بلندای کوه حرف ندارم و از درون جامعه ی فقر و بی سواد حرف ندارم و از فردای بی نشانه هم حرف ندارم و من از درون قلب تو حرف دارم که مبادا بی چون و چرایی حرف به زبان آری و فاصله های بزرگ دیگری را نیز بوجود بیاوری، این است خودخواهی بی نظم و بی پروایی ما و ما از خود نه حرف دارم برای گفتن به دیگران و نه دل پزیرنده ی دارم برای آری گفتن و تائید کردن حرف های دیگران تا باشد که احترام و به گفتن حق دیگران کرده باشیم.
ازینکه به فراز و نشیب ها عادت کرده ایم و به گفته های دیگران حق پزیرش رانمیدهیم این هم شاید از خوشبختی ما هست که بی ادعای داشتن حرف درست برای دیگران ادعای درست بودن آنرا به دیگران میدهیم که این منم که باید حرف من مورد قبول قرار گیرد و من هرگز از ادعای خودم انعطاف نخواهیم داشت و شاید هم این از خوشبختی ما هست که باید از نا آشنایان یک آشنایی خوبی بسازیم و در زمان که عاشق هم شدیم دست جدای را به همدیگه می فشاریم و شاید این از خوشبختی ما هست
و شاید این از خوشبختی ما هست.

نوشته های دیگران ()

88/12/2 :: 10:56 صبح


روزی سقراط حکیم مردی را دید که خیلی ناراحت و متآثر است.

علت ناراحتی اش را پرسید.

مرد پاسخ داد: در راه که می آمدم یکی از آشنایان را دیدم.سلام کردم.

جواب نداد و با بی اعتنایی و خود خواهی گذشت و رفت و من از این طرز رفتار او خیلی رنجیدم.

سقراط گفت: چرا رنجیدی؟

مرد با تعجب گفت: خوب معلوم است که چنین رفتاری ناراحت کننده است.

سقراط پرسید: اگر درراه کسی را می دیدی که به زمین افتاده و از درد و بیماری به خود می پیچد آیا از دست او دلخور و رنجیده می شدی؟

مرد گفت: مسلم است که هرگز دلخور نمی شدم .آدم از بیمار بودن کسی دلخور نمی شود.

سقراط پرسید: به جای دلخوری چه احساسی می یافتی و چه می کردی؟

مرد جواب داد: احساس دلسوزی و شفقت و سعی می کردم طبیب یا دارویی به او برسانم.

سقراط گفت: همه این کارها را به خاطر آن می کردی که او را بیمار می دانستی

آیا انسان تنها جسمش بیمارمی شود؟

و آیا کسی که رفتارش نا درست است روانش بیمار نیست؟

اگر کسی فکر و روانش سالم باشد هرگز رفتار بدی از او دیده نمی شود؟

بیماری فکری و روان نامش غفلت است

و باید به جای دلخوری و رنجش نسبت به کسی که بدی می کند و غافل است دل سوزاند و کمک کرد

و به او طبیب روح و داروی جان رساند.

پس از دست هیچ کس دلخور مشو و کینه به دل مگیر

و آرامش خود را هرگز از دست مده

بدان که هروقت کسی بدی می کند در آن لحظه بیماراست

نوشته های دیگران ()

88/12/2 :: 10:55 صبح

هزاره ها و قرن بیست یک در عرصه تکنولوژی وارتباطات!

هزاره ها در دوران از حکومت های که نمی خواستند نامش در صحنه رقابت حتی با پنسیل نوشته میشد و چه رسد اینکه عملاً در صحنه رقابت در میدان نبرد اعلان مبارزه نماید این دوران به هزاره های بیدار و احساس مسؤلیت مدارا نشان میدهد که باید بیدار بود و هماره در صحنه رقابت عملاً وارد نبرد تاخت و تاز بشویم و دیگر به یک ملتی خواب رفته و موش خور نامیده نشویم.

هزاره ها اگر از تمام قدرت های در دست داشته در افغانستان دیر زمانی بدین سو محروم بوده است، و در تغیر سرنوشت شان کدام رول بازی کرده نمی توانست و هیچ سهمی در درون قومی برای دفاع از خویشتن نداشت، امروز دیگه به پایاین این
گونه سیاست بازی ها خط بطلان را اعلام خواهد کرد و خود به نوبه اش این سیاست بازی ها را به دست خویشتن ورق خواهد زد و تاریخ این کشورش را به دست تاریخ نویسان ماهر خودش نوشته خواهد کرد و در صحنه رقابت دیگر جای خالی نخواهد گذاشت اینکه از صحنه رقابت کنار رود هر گز این فکر را به اذهانش وارد نخواهد کرد.

در زمان نظام دیکتاتوری عبدالرحمن با پیاده شدن قانون کشتن هزاره ها به عنوان یک نسل شوم توانست به تعداد زیاد از مادران پیر و فرسوده مارا داغ دادر نماید و تا که زنده هست نمی تواند این درد دوری و از دست داده بچه های جوان و دختران جوان شان را از یاد ببرد و تا که زمان هست این مادران به مرگ فرزندانش خواهد گریست و هنوز که هنوز است به مرگ و ماتم فرزندانش فاتحه خوانی خواهد داشت تا درد دلش را با فردیت تنهایش مهر تأئید بگذارد.
و دختران که به امید شوهرانش و یا هم به امید رسیدن به عشق شان دیار بی کسی را گرفته است و از آنها نام و نشام تا هنوز معلوم نمی باشد. نا امیدانه قدم به سوی های بی کسی بر خواهد داشت. افسوس که دل به دریا زدن این امواج خروشان و افتخار مان دور از ما جا گرفته است و ما را با نا امیدی از بی کسی هایش در غم هجران شان داغ دارد کرده است و هر گز نمیشه این جنایت بزرگ را به آنهائیکه مرتکب چنین فاجعه قرن انسانی شده اسن نخواهیم بخشید و تا ابد در بی کسی از درون گم شده ای دختران مان خواهیم بود.

ای نسل امروزی ملتم!

آیا من وتو نیز مرتکب چنین جنایت می باشیم؟/
آیا من وتو نیز در این فاجعه بزرگ انسانی قرن بشر مانند هزاره ها به نحوی سهمی داشته ایم؟/
آیا می توانی هر گز خودت را که به غفلت و بی پروائی زده ای ببخشی؟/
آیا راه من و تو نیز چنین خواهد بود؟/
آیا من وتو از خود دفاع نخواهیم کرد؟/
آیا رژیم دیکتاتوریسم را دیگر در افغانستان خواهی پذیرفت؟/
آیا تو خودت انسان شائیسته حق داشتن خدایت نمی باشی؟/
آیا تو سهمی در این زندگی بری خوب بودن نداری؟/
آیا راه من وتو یکی نخواهد بود؟/
آیا من وتو یکی نیستیم؟/
آیا مادران به ما به حق بزرگی شان قسم نداده است؟/
آیا شیر مادران بری من وتو با این بی کفایتی حلال خواهد بود؟/
آیا تو من از یک پدر و مادر داغ دیده نیستیم؟/

من و تو در قرن بیست قدم می زنیم منحیث یک انسان هزاره آزاده و با اراده خویشتن زندگی داشتن.

در یکی از سایت ها عکسی را دیدم که با نوشته روی نمای عکس: هزاره جات در قرن بیست و یک Hazarajat in 21th century.
این عکس طوری نمای را بری ما میدهد که درا آن یک خر لاغر و یک شخص که با کمپیوتر لب تاپ می باشد طوری قرار گرفته است که شخص با یک کمپیوتر لب تاپ که د رحال استفاده از این کیوتر می باشد بالای خر سوار شده و در حال حرکت این شخص با کار در کمیوتر مشغول می باشد///
در این نکته که خیلی قابل توجه است این است که این عکس را کی خارجی که منحیث محقق و پژوهش گر می باشد این عکس را گرفته است و در ادامه از نوشته هایش می نویسد که هزاره در قرن بیست با تعداد گذشتن از فرا مرز می اندیشد و به زندگی آینه های شان نوید تازه را می بخشد و دریچه امید را به هستی این نسل باز می گشاید.
البته این عکس د رفایل جداگانه به نمایش کذاشته شده تا شما بیشر این مسئله را درگ نماید.

ای ملت بزرگ و نسل نوی تحصیل کرده!

شما در محله ی از سرنوشت قرار دارید که می توانید راه و دریچه نوی از امید ها و نوید ها را با خود داشته باشید و راز های قدرت را درک نموده و هستی را به چرخش خود تان در آورید تا دیگر مورد هجود قرار نگیرید.
این است اهداف من وتو که باید بپذیریم چه کسی ها مادران ما را داغ دار فرزندان و دختران شان نموده است و بار دیگر می خواهد ما را باز مورد هجوم قرار دهد. و به ما ها دست تجاوز را دراز نماید.
دیگر نگذاریم که من وتو اهداف شوم این ها بسوزیم و مادران مان را داغ دار ببینیم.
دیگر نگذاریم راه را بری خونخواران بگشایم.
دیگر نگزاریم ازین قرن عقب بمانیم و با عقب ماندن ازین قرن خواهی نخواهی مورد هجوم انیها قرار خواهی گرفت.
دیگربه این حقیقت های فاجعه بار خط بطلان بکشیم و راه مان را در صحنه ظاهر شدن در میدان نبرد هموار سازیم.

رضا واصل/افغانستان/ کابل.//
آیا به بودن هزاره ها باور دارید که با عصر تکنوژی همگام در مسیر تاریخ قدم برمیدارد و سیستم دیسپاتسیم گرایی را نابود میسازد؟

نوشته های دیگران ()

88/12/2 :: 10:41 صبح

Read it
The name God of perception, freedom, equality
The gift of “Milad noor”
Read the name of your God that created…
Read that “read” is the first oracle expressive and paramount thing conceivable for became “be”
Read that the great praying of your idea messenger started the first time to murmur nice and tenacious and solemnity “read” got it hue perpetuity
Read it
The name God of perception, freedom, equality
The gift of “Milad noor”
Read the name of your God that created…
Read that “read” is the first oracle expressive and paramount thing conceivable for became “be”
Read that the great praying of your idea messenger started the first time to murmur nice and tenacious and solemnity “read” got it hue perpetuity
Read that time with this amazement marks of creation do not know except of “reading”, do not want except of “reading”, and do not subsist except of “reading”.
Read the name of your God that created you.
Read that stanchion sepulcher of people scrubby martyr, just combustion for your “reading” and getting everlasting his/her prophecy with your “reading” and surviving.
Read in the heart of night, that the scintillation stars morning give promise living tomorrow.
Read the creation feeling folio that race rise of the dept adversity, is the fresh jolter of creation and it weighty to its ideas freedoms and human of the epopee red century.
Read the name of your God that created…
Read that reading of soraie “noor” is hard sensational and nice in the tyranny heart.
Read in the guff of red colors’ day season,
Read that race line blood of you and me traced to horizon.
Read that your “reading” have too sway sensational
Read hey hen overnight sing
Read that injustice is very hard
Read all of the ivity victimize of interest, the facts victimize of expedient, the faiths victimize of name and bread, the pietisms victimize of mimicry, the justice victimize of oppression, the acquaintance victimize of ignorance, the sin victimize of reticence, the love victimize of lust, the version victimize of figure, the confidence victimize of triviality, the religion and liability victimize of bur and gold and the complaint did victimize of manslaughter.
Read hey the hen overnight sign
Read all of things that do reservation
Read hey the hen overnight sign, read more expressive and more pomposity
Read the injustice is very hard and your prophecy is hardest.
Read of the high ascendancy rostrum
Read far of the eyes deaths man and hunter
Read front of the eyes death man and hunter
Read hey the hen overnight sign
Read the name of your God
That I will arrive
That we will arrive
And our race too will arrive
Read the name of your God that created
Read that creature are waiting for you,
In waiting for your “reading”
Read the name of your Goad that created…
Translated by Reza wasil / 1388/1/27
read every time, it is the way that you can move in every place to getting ouyr goals.
be leader for your people.

نوشته های دیگران ()

88/11/17 :: 9:46 صبح

Female mind, mind Men

? Q:
Person should aim to hurry, because every time we have very little value is. However, recently, you say you started the process to achieve the goal should be a game Bytlash. How the two words "hurry" and "game" reconciliation are established? Because the disc is in a hurry Nmychshd never enjoy the game.
Do not try to make reconciliation between the different techniques Kani. When I say need not hurry, time to forget entirely, do not be a serious effort to spend Do not bow down to Be, this is a different technique. This only is for all of humanity can not do the technique and other types of E-people can do that, opposite the techniques are not able to operate. This technique is for female mind. Women do not necessarily mind all women and all men"s minds are not necessarily the men, the female mind when I say, not to female. Zhnykh mind that women could be surrendered, could be such a receptive uterus, can be open and passive. Half of humanity can be of this type, but quite the opposite half acts. But the other half acts completely the opposite. As men and women are both part of humanity, just as the mind trained female and male minds are half the human mind.
Women will not mind trying. If you only try to encourage the production and tension will Smrhay will. Mechanism is that the female mind to wait and allow the events can occur.
Just like a woman, even when love is not primer. And if the woman starts a relationship, do a good reason to escape Btrsy you work, because male behavior is subjective within the male body is female and you will have problems. If you have a real man باشی, the woman immediately Jzbhash will lose. If you are male and female body باشی women had mental باشی only then, that allows women and primers I was happy to polls. But here she is a woman physically and you being male, and he is male.
A woman left waiting. Before you tell him, "Entry" and commit yourself you work, he never such a sentence on the language will not. Female power is the same linger. Male mind is invasive. Must do something. Is to move and primers. Such is the spiritual way. If mental aggression, mental men do, effort is required. Then, emergency and crisis could be just until all efforts to involve"m down. When Tlasht be completed, resulting policy will do if the female mind, then not at all need to hurry, time does not exist.
Maybe not all women feel باشی do not have the time. The husband standing outside the home and makes a beep and screams and says, "come down" and the woman said, "a thousand times that I come in a minute. Two hours the sort you ready to say that in a minute I get logged. After not angry. Why so vociferant chie?! "
The female mind can be felt. This is the male mind has time to worry. The two are quite different.
Jlhay no female mind, acceleration is not working. In fact, where reach does not exist. That is why women can not great leaders, great scientists and great Jngavrany be. And if sometimes such women are found, men are subjective. For example, Joan of Arc or Zhandark Lashkmybay Laxmi Bai These are only the female body; Zhnshan female whatsoever is not of men.
There is no purpose for female mind, and our world is a male tendency. The world can not really masculine women to achieve greatness, because greatness is related to the goal. Must achieve a goal; then the human mind and female Great Voices Following is a goal. He that is good and here. The now and here is sick. There is no place to move. Female mind in the moment, there are. That is why women never Knjkavyhay following is distant, is always the neighbors. He has no interest in knowing what is going in Vietnam, he would want to know what affects the home the same Nzdykyha purse. Male Bhnzr comes ridicule: "Why worry about what this existence is that Nixon and Mao What is fun?"
Women are interested to know what neighborhood he Ashqanhay relations occur. He is curious close; Bymny for him is far. There is no time.
There is time for those who are reaching the goal. Stay right now: The only person there who are forced to reach somewhere. If forced to look somewhere نباشی, meaning time is? Then Jlhay not work.
To this question in the angular look: East and West is feminine male. East never much interested has to time; West following crazy time. East very slowly and moves slowly, as if it does not move at all: no change, not revolutionary so evolution continues to silence the voice of the place Comes. West is very crazy, every day needs revolution, and everything should be a revolution. Changes until everything is not Bhjayy seems that has not come and we"ve stopped. If something important is changing and is insurrection and riot, then West feels that has to happen now on. And East Mypndard the insurrection and riot if any, that we are patient. There is a problem; so that the transformation has occurred. If all the way to be, then the need for change and not revolution.
Eastern mind is feminine. That is why the East circumstantiality all female Stvdhaym: kindness, love, compassion, non-violence, acceptance, satisfaction of all female Kyfythay. In the West has been praised by men Kyfythay: will, power demand, self, self satisfaction, independence, rebellion this quality is praised in the West. The East obedience, submission and acceptance is commendable. Women in the attitudes of Western and Eastern attitudes are male.
These techniques should not be subject to any compromise with that and should never to combine. Techniques for yield are female mind. Techniques attempt, will, search for men"s minds are. So if any combination between these two people you work, Bymny, ridicule and even be dangerous. Will not be used.
Remember after this. These techniques often contradictory Bhnzr come, because for Zhnhay are different and combined effort between them does not exist. So if you feel something میکنی is contradictory, so the upset is rigid. And only the contradiction Zhnha feel uncomfortable and are not comfortable. Mypndarnd them that everything should be Ghyrmtnaqz, everything should be identical. This Bymny contradictory because life is not the same.
Your life is contradictory phenomenon, the truth is not Ghyrmtnaqz; Lies can only be, only Lies are continuous and are the same. In fact, should also be discontinuous, because you can cover all living things. Fact should be all. And life is contradictory. Men and women is is. What do I do what I can and Shiva? Men and women for just the opposite pole of that time are absorbed; otherwise there Nmydasht gravitational. In fact, this type of opposition and difference Bvdsh the gravity of Myafrynd. Opposite poles are converted to gravity. That is why the men and women meet back here, there, because when the two opposite poles meet, they will neutralize each other. Because they are opposed to each other, they can neutralize each other. They neutralize each other and create an instant, when men and women really have time to meet not only physical force, but entirely; existence in love with when they meet for a moment, both are destroyed. Then there are not women, not men; only pure existence, there is the same server that visit.
So on can also give you inside, because analysis shows that deep inside you there is also bipolar gender. Psychoanalysis today deep analysis has revealed that within the human mind, conscious and unconscious mind, there are two opposite poles. If a man باشی, your conscious mind is masculine and feminine mind is Nakhvdagaht. باشی woman, mind and mind Nakhvdagaht Khvdagaht female is male. Unconscious, conscious pole is opposite. In deep meditation, between conscious and unconscious gives you an Orgasm ejaculation, a mixing, a love of these two are one. And, when the two were single, Thou Our biggest server may be found in the policy. The men and women can meet with their methods. Mytvany woman outside yourself"m meeting; then this meeting can only be temporary, so fleeting. Peak for a moment and then enjoy Myrsy things begin to Frvrykhtn.
Meet other men and women are on the inside you is: When the conscious and unconscious mind, you can have meet with is immortal. Lhhay sexual pleasure from the pleasure is spiritual is only a very fleeting. But when real visit Your Inside can occur, then the connection and unity into Samadhi is a spiritual phenomenon.
But I"m starting to conscious mind, so if the mind is Khvdagaht women, surrender to be useful. And Remember: being female body necessarily means not having female mind. This error is produced.
Otherwise everything was very easy: then give way to women and men were done following the way of the will. But collaborating, no easy. Women who have male mind is invasive Rvykrdshan to life every day and the number of women will increase. "Women"s Freedom Movement" is more and more. "Freedom"s" The more women with male fosters the mind. They are the more aggressive and way for them will not surrender. Enter and compete with men because women have been pulled after its invasion of men and women is more. In the future the way men used more and more surrender come. So you should decide about yourself. And values do not think; do not think that you being a man, then how women had mental Mytvany باشی? Mytvany had no problems in باشی not pretty. I do not think that being a woman, then how men had mental Mytvany باشی? Does nothing wrong, beautiful. Mind the originality Remember yourself. What type Bfhmy by trying to mentally do that, then follow the appropriate way-and do not try to build any combination of these two. I Nprs how the reconciliation between these two Texts. So I would not. I never reconcile conflicting poles do not agree and I do not agree Ghyrmtzad sentences. Such phrases are stupid and Bchhganh. Life is contradictory and so that is alive. Only the death of Ghyrmtnaqz and continuity.
Life through living contradiction, opposite poles of collisions, and this contradiction and challenges with energy, free energy and this makes the life is now. This is something that the followers of Hegel Hegelians say: a moving dialectic thesis, Ntytz and then creates its own synthesis, and this will continue. Life is not uniform and identical. Life is not logical, is dialectic.
The difference between logic and dialectic to understand Do. This question because I plan Mypndary life phenomenon that is reasonable, so Myprsy how to make reconciliation between the two. Because the logic of reconciliation always gives a deion logic must give contradictory phenomenon is that life and if life is conflict, both can not be true; one must be wrong. Both can be wrong, but both can not be wrong, but both can not be true. Logic attempts to find Ghyrmtnaqz everywhere.
Science is reasonable. That is why science is not entirely true to life, is not. Life is contradictory and irrational phenomenon. Nmytrsd contradictions of life, they will use. Opposite poles are opposite in appearance only; in depth they work together. Dialectic of life is not logical. Living in a discourse between Tzadhast continuous discourse.
Byndysh for a moment if there Nmydasht contradictions, life was dead, because the challenge is providing Where? Attractions Where to come? Where is the energy released? Then life was monotonous and dead. Life just cause and due dialectic conflicts are possible. Men and women are fundamental contradiction. And then produced with love and all love to live in axis moves. And if you get one with Mshvqt so that there is no distance, both men want. Then was not able to live. Both the process of dialectic between you will.
You can only have this life there is not all that unity and never come near you again and again from far below. That is why lovers Myjngnd. This war will produce them all day Myjngnd dialectic. They are far from the enemy are together. This means that now they really opposites Qtbhayy Gshthand; as possible, are far from. I love this is how the lover kill and think that this woman how evil this man is bored. They have traveled the farthest Angles and then in the evening with their Shqvrzy.
When many are far, far, again to avoid such places are the comments that they feel attraction. Then again men and women are simply not in love and lover. Then a man and a woman are two strangers. The are in love again.
Come close. Moment arrives for a moment and are only Srvrshan moment and will be back here.
But the moment only be started once the process has been away. At that moment only have a couple, if they can have it all, the vision will start to have separated from the peak that enjoy the same moment to understand the uniqueness, the process is started to revolve and separation opposition will start. This motion is far from over and over again, and then simply close. I mean is: living by poles with opposite energy. Can not live without poles there is opposition. If only two are really in love, life will disappear; in fact, will be released. Will not be born again; life will not be future. If a couple are truly unique and totally love them Zhrftryn meditation may be. Them to attain what the Buddha under the bodhi tree, call it what they look that was in Christ (PBUH) it was on the Cross. They attain unity. Then there are others can not.
Life as we know, and this dual dialectic techniques for people who live in the world دوئیت. So there will be very Tnaqzhay, because these techniques are not philosophy; to do these techniques and their life. These are not mathematical formulas, but the trends are real-life. These are dialectic, are contradictory. After I do nilly between these reconciliation. These are not identical, are opposed. What kind of sensing that by trying to do mentality. I Mytvany Take the moment and nothing passivity Bhsr Nkny? Then will all the necessary techniques is not for you. If You Can not comfortable and if you ask باشی that باشی comfortable, you should immediately ask how comfortable I am, the "how" your mind is indicated. The "how" that you can without trying to not be comfortable. Be comfortable even for the efforts need to, so Myprsy, "How?" Comfort, relaxation is for the "how" does not exist. If one باشی comfortable, you know how to confidently improve, only Myasayy. Is an effort, not a method.
Just as the night never sleep Myrvy Nmyprsy how to get to sleep? But those who are suffering from insomnia. If they say, "I only Mygzarm serum on the pillow and takes خوابم." Can not believe you can. They doubt and means: they can not Bavrt; Frybshan thoughts because they think their heads on the pillow also affect, but accidental Nmyaftd!
You will be asked of them, "How? How the head on the pillow Mygzary? "Should be among the Razi you Nmygvyy them. I Frybshan thoughts, all the world is Frybshan. All say, "Our only takes خوابمان. How does. Not active in any technology. "They can not believe you and I"m Can not blame them. Mygvyy you, "I"ll just turn off lights, and serum on the ground Mygzarm Mybndm eyes, and I go to sleep."
They have the same program and performs the Commemoration of very Drsttr you are in the process, but sleep does not work. Light is off, eyes closed and have ceased long Rkhtkhvabshan Nmyaftd happen. When the available capacity to confidently debt, then the technique need. Without their techniques are not able to sleep. So if you can mentally do that is comfortable, then give way is for you. Perhaps aware of do not, but Amkansh fifty percent, because Zhnhay women and men are fit together. Are fifty fifty always, in every Hythay is almost fifty-fifty, because a man without the woman he is in opposition is not there. There are deep in nature balance. Did you know that the every hundred baby girls, baby boys born a hundred and fifty are, because boys and girls are weaker, so the time sexual maturity, fifteen boys have traveled the world. Girls are stronger; have more stamina and endurance. After the birth of each one hundred girls, one hundred and fifteen boys are born. Weaker boys until puberty, fifteen boys died and their number is equal. Every man is a woman and a man for every woman. Because there is an inner tension and opposite poles is required.
And the same is true of the inner mind. World existence, nature needs balance, so you have half of your mental and women can easily get in deep Taslimi. But you can create problems for yourself. Do feel that perhaps Mytvany باشی surrender, but think, "How do I surrender?" Feeling that میکنی Nfst is disturbed, the surrender Mytrsy, because such training has been: "Be independent, independent Bman. Do not lose yourself. Do not control the other. Be always in control. "
You learned collaborating told, these problems are learned. I feel that the میکنی Mytvany might surrender, but then the problem Brmykhyzd society, culture and education has taught you. These are forms of produce. If you really feel that the submission for you میکنی not forget. Do not be worry about it. Then all the energy for yourself by trying to use.
There are two poles of subjective female if you really do, where you do not reach, a goal not work, future work and paradise is nothing. I do not hurry, be honest in the moment and whatever the male through mental effort and resulting policy will bring. If one باشی comfortable, so I do at the destination.
Male mind must be so tired and run down completely then flows down, only then that can be comfortable. Male mind, it is necessary for invasion, efforts fall into consumption and work. When paralysis can occur, then relaxation will be possible to submit to him; for female mind is always the beginning. Reach a trauma both ways but reach is different.
So when I said that yesterday, "Do not waste the time," I said this for the male mind. If I accelerate and that such state of emergency and create Anrzhytan all current and will focus its efforts and focus only on your life that becomes the Shlhay fire, this is for the male mind. For female mind, just need a clear and limited flame beforehand.
This is because you have Mahavyra, Buddha, Krishna, Rama and Zoroastrians have, but women do not have similar issues. Not so states that the women"s Nyafthand Yafthand, but their ways are different. And all these men have written history and a man can only understand the male mind. Man can not understand the female mind, the problem is. Really very difficult..





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